PHP7 will continue to borrow some of the beloved JavaScript features and will support Immediately Invoked Function Expressions (IIFEs):
echo (function() {
return 42;
Output for php7@20140901 - 20141101: 42
Currying (functions returning functions) is also possible in combination with the IIFE implementation:
$foo = (function() {
return function($a) {
return $a + 42;
echo $foo(10);
Output for php7@20140901 - 20141101: 52
Note that when accessing an outer variable from within a function (aka “inheriting variables from outer scope”), one – unlike in JavaScript – needs to use the use
keyword to make that variable accessible:
$foo = (function($a) {
return function($b) use ($a) {
return $a + $b;
echo $foo(10);
Output for php7@20140901 - 20141101: 52
/me is excited!
PHP7 IIFE Demo →
PHP7 Currying Demo →
PHP7 Currying Redux Demo →